CIM Stands with Ukraine

CIM dedicates its March 23 orchestra concert, led by Carlos Kalmar, to the people of Ukraine. The repertoire includes Silvestrov’s Prayer for Ukraine.

CIM stands with all those whose lives are changed by the tragic and unprovoked invasion that began on February 24, 2022.

Photos and video from the March 23 concert at Severance Music Center will be shared here when available.

Cleveland and Ukraine

The first Ukrainians arrived in the Cleveland area in the mid-1880s, settling in the Tremont area. By the end of the twentieth century, the local Ukrainian community numbered over 35,000 and was centered in Parma, where it remains strong today. Cultural education is still a focal point of community life with accredited Ridna Shkola, 'Saturday Schools', which teach Ukrainian language, history, geography and culture.

Source: Cleveland Historical

Local Ukrainian Organizations

If you represent a local Ukrainian advocacy organization and would like to be added to this list, please connect with