What is the Dual Degree Program?

The Dual Degree Program provides students with the chance to pursue two different paths of study at two world-renowned institutions. Students who are enrolled in this program receive a degree from the Cleveland Institute of Music and a degree from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) after 5 total years of study.

Facts About the CIM/CWRU Dual Degree Program

  • The entire length of the program is five (5) years
  • The standard semesterly credit amount is between 16 and 20 credits
  • Enrolled students begin their CWRU coursework as "undecided" and only have to declare a major at the end of their first year
  • CIM and CWRU are located within short walking distance of one another, making transportation to and from campuses quick and easy
  • Due to the existing relationship between the two institutions, there is an overlap between credit and course requirements; this means that your CIM classes will count for CWRU credit and vice versa and certain classes at each institution fulfill class requirements at the other institution

CWRU Degrees Recently Obtained by CIM Dual Degree Graduates:

  • BA Economics
  • BA Biochemistry
  • BA Psychology
  • BA English
  • BS Mechanical Engineering
  • BS Aerospace Engineering
  • BA Political Science
  • BA History



Explore some frequently asked questions about the CIM/CWRU dual degree program.

Who is the dual degree program for?

The dual degree program is for students who

  • have a strong interest in both musical and non-musical subjects
  • have a strong interest in pursuing another subject to complement or enhance their music
  • wish to continue nurturing multi-disciplinary excellence at a higher level
  • see themselves pursuing multiple careers or career paths in the future
What makes the dual degree program different than double majoring?

When double majoring at CIM, you will graduate with two degrees, both from CIM. After the completion of your five years in the dual degree program, you will graduate with two degrees as well, but one being from CIM and one being from Case Western Reserve University. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for you and the career path you are hoping to follow!

How do I apply for the dual degree program?

The application for this program is only through CIM. You do not need to complete a separate application to CWRU to be considered for the dual degree program. Instead, indicate your interest in your CIM application. Submit additional materials for dual degree consideration through the CIM application or your high school counselor. Additional materials can include high school counselor and academic teacher recommendation letters. Official SAT/ACT scores are optional. 

How do I get accepted into the dual degree program?

Dual degree applicants must be accepted by CIM first. Once accepted at CIM, the CIM Admissions Office will send the application to the Undergraduate Admissions Office at CWRU. Applicants will receive their notice of acceptance at CWRU through their CIM acceptance letter. 

If an applicant is accepted to the dual degree program, the enrollment is finalized through CIM. The CIM and CWRU registrar offices will coordinate the details of the enrollment and classes needed. 

How much does the dual degree program cost?

Students enrolled in the program pay the CIM tuition plus a dual degree fee. Find the detailed cost of attendance for CIM, here. The dual degree is only offered through CIM and generally the fee associated with the program is not funded by scholarships. While federal student aid is not applicable to coursework taken for the CWRU degree, CIM does allow extension of the CIM scholarship towards a fitth year as is usually needed to complete the dual degree. All dual degree applicants are considered for merit and need-based scholarship through CIM. Students who apply to both schools independently cannot combine scholarships offered at either institution.